November 08, 2017

The Meaning of the Deepest Pledge of Marriage

Pledge of marriage is the most eagerly awaited by most couples. But what is the meaning of the deepest pledge of marriage?

1. Marriage is not a matter of hope for happiness, but the beginning of the process of self-correction

When entering marriage, everyone would expect happiness. Unfortunately that hope will only make you disappointed. So stop seeing that marriage is like heaven because you have to realize that in marriage you are going to be a better person. Through a partner, you will be shaped into a committed, selfless, forgiving, unconditional loving person. Marriage no longer talks about me or about us. But the matter of learning to love others more than ourselves, learn to forgive and fix ourselves. Because when you have achieved that, then happiness will come by itself.

2. Marriage is a commitment, and commitment is an option
True love is everyone's curiosity. Because everyone does have a deep desire to be loved. But when we only base our marriage only with feelings, then that marriage can also run aground when we follow our feelings. Like the feeling of falling in love that sometimes very hot and can also disappear slowly. But not in marriage, for you should build a marriage with a strong foundation, that is a commitment to mutual living together until death separates. That commitment is your choice, to go ahead and fight for what you have when you are in a lot of problems and problems; finance, communication, sex, children, relationships between big families, and others, in a way to forgive and renew your love to the couple in every problem and saturation occurs.

3. True marriage brings the greatest blessing to many people

Frequently marriage fails because each partner does not know each other, even recognize himself correctly. Bad, haunting pasts make couples afraid to commit, fear of failure, fear of being left alone and fear alone. It backfires in marriage. So the first question you must ask before marriage is about who you are? Where do you come from? What do you need to restore your life? Relationships built on the basis of true self-knowledge will encourage you to struggle to create a marriage that grows right. And when you get out of that background, you'll feel pleasure throughout the marriage. Because you have fulfilled everyone's desire to be loved and get happiness.

4. Marriage is two complementary human beings

When two humans are united in marriage bonds, there can be no ego to show who is greater, smarter or more successful. In marriage, husbands and wives struggle to make both great and successful people in the eyes of their children. Both are struggling together in the face of all life's problems. They should be grateful because they are not alone in solving various problems, but together and complement each other with all the advantages and disadvantages it has. You do not think who is lucky or more benefited with this marriage relationship, but both are very fortunate to be able to complement and support each other to achieve your life goals and guide your children.

5. Marriage talks about greater love

Marriage does not talk about yourself. Because in marriage, you have the opportunity to learn a lot about life, love and God. There is a reason that God use the analogy of marriage to portray His love to mankind. Because marriage includes the meaning of greater love. A deep interpersonal love reflects the universal need for love, commitment and something / someone greater than himself. Because through married life you will also teach about the meaning of love to your children. When they are adults and choose to get married, then you both become a good exemplary of marriage for them. For your marriage becomes a mirror for the future of your children someday.
The marriage is really beautiful and holy. You just need to be prepared to really take a commitment to keep fighting under any circumstances in your marriage voyage. Thus, your marriage is always colored with joy and a blessing for many people.
This is the deepest meaning of the vow of marriage, always together and mutually supportive in joy and sorrow.  

Happy wedding for all of you who have sailed the household ark. Let's fight for your marriage sanction according to the deepest meaning of pledge of marriage vows.

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